Wednesday, August 17, 2005

got up early (like i do, every weekday morning)... and after sending jon, had breakfast with nikki, josh n derell at barretts. cold n wet day... quite refreshing tho!
had a flat white and a raisin roll.

current read: Matthew Reilly's Hover Car Racer
Music: Michael Battersby "Satisfaction"
Foodie: Oven baked potatoes with sour cream and bacon bits

Anyways.. people!! decided on a climb for sunday afternoon...
Any takers?
i've got more den enough chalk to go arnd....

P.S anyone wanna donate to my advanced christmas prezzie?? i so badly want the boreal matrix rock shoes....... *crawls*


Anonymous said...

faith wants to go!! (((x

Anonymous said...


sunday arvo bad bad bad.



Mishi said...

morning also good. ; ) lets go!

Mishi said...

hehe, ohhhh noooo.... this calls for some back up plan. *taps fingers*