Monday, July 31, 2006

A picture of my supposedly half-boiled egg. But it was overdone. *) i love how the yolk just sits there, looking round. hee.  Posted by Picasa

Decided to treat myself with Pancakes n strawberries today for brekkie. Nothing like a warm cup of honey Chrysanthemum with pancakes to soothe my sore throat. ;p  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 29, 2006

In Your Skin

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it"
-To Kill a Mockingbird

End in Mind

Everytime i open my Word document to pick up where i left off from typing my 3k word draft which is due on tues (read: weds or thurs?) i feel like i'm not putting in the amount of words i would have liked to. i always end off attending to smth urgent (read: distracting) or i scurry off to do those little things- other readings, research that might seem useful (read: analysing tabloids or reading front page news).

Anyway, have u ever felt like u're going in circles and that this vicious cycle is never going to end? like some hamster stuck in a cage with one of those revolving thingys.
The end in mind helps me to focus a lil' better. Results and academic achievement isn't everything to life. But if the journey makes me stronger, a lil' more resilient and helps build my character-- it's all worth the while ; )

Have the end in mind!

Friday, July 28, 2006

I Am that I Am

I know it sounds like bad english. But God said it. He said it in Exodus 3:14.

"I AM THAT I AM", He said to Moses "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you."
And that is God's name, not ours. Because God is "I AM" we become "i am not".

I am not in charge
I am not in control
I am not a life changer
I am not a heart mover
I am not a city transformer

He is
He is
He is
To all of the above, He is.

"I Am" in literal hebrew translation means "breath", or simply "to be"- existance.

Surely the number of "I"s in Exodus 3 indicate the sure-ness (if there's such a word) of God in making a covenant with Himself to deliver His people. What's the catch?

Ex 4:12 "Now therefore go and I will be with you."
You Go, He is.
You Go, He is.

guess what.

You don't Go, He still is.
God is God. That doesn't change.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


"We ask ourselves, what is a Singaporean? In the first place, we did not want to be Singaporeans. We wanted to be Malayans. Then the idea was extended and we decided to become Malaysians. But twenty-three months of Malaysia- a traumatic experience for all parties in Malaysia- ended rather abruptly with our being Singaporeans. "

-Lee Kuan Yew


describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hillsongs sharing

Just wanted to post up something i shared during service- as a personal update as well.
Be blessed.

Be Connected
“I will serve God in my generation with contemporary relevance.”
Nancy Beach “Good Drama breaks down defenses; it lays bare what daily life covers up and creates identification.”
Contrary to popular belief, the church is not peripheral to the world. I believe we can be relevant to the youth of today, to connect with the average Joe.
The body of Christ is not exclusive to any particular era or geographical location.
Every one of you seated here, beneath your jackets, your glasses, your countenance- every single one of you knows that life is difficult- whether or not you’re a Christian. We’re not here to pretend that it is easy, let our art form be relevant to reveal the truths of life and bring the hope we have through Jesus Christ.

Be Consumed
“God is just as pleased with my private worship as with my public ministry/worship”

With the great songs and catchy tunes that are being consumed in the market today- do we have a “consumer” heart or a heart that is consumed by God?
Be consumed- ask yourself this, if you were never going to serve god publicly- would you still be worshipping Him in your personal life, behind closed doors?
God is bigger than your dry spell, bigger than your famine.
Just a day or two ago, I had a chat with 2 friends and they were disappointed with their results- they were saying “But I worked so hard, I put in all of my effort and all of my ability.”
It was in that split second that I realized- God needs to diminish you in order to deliver you.
He is not interested in our comfort, he wants our obedience.
Are we making MUCH of our God? Or MUCH of ourselves?

Be Compassionate

Pro 31:8 “Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

I do politics and have been watching the news for years- I try to watch it everyday or read it online. And 3 days ago I broke down watching the news about the war between Israel and Hezbollah. I’d realized how insensitive and numb I allowed myself to become to the suffering and injustice of this world. The town in which Jesus grew up in, and the region in which he healed the sick and raised people from the dead is now embroiled in one of the most heated conflicts in recent history. Amidst the violence, a journalist interviewed a man caught in the crossfire, he had lost his daughter and wife to the missile attacks. He said words I’ll never forget. He said, “I don’t care, it’s not fair. I will not pay for someone else’s crime.” Such strong words with strong contrast to a man who came 2000 years ago and said “I will pay for all of your crimes.”

The world needs a savior, they need Jesus. Our God is passionate about people. Are you passionate about people?

Exodus 3:7 “I have seen the misery of my people. I have heard their cries.”
Our God cannot stand injustice, pain and suffering. What can’t you stand?
Align your discontentment and frustrations with God’s heart. Plead the cause of the poor and needy, not just physical poverty- but spiritual poverty and lack.
Stir up something in your heart that will not rest. When you touch lives and love people- especially the least of them- you touch Jesus’ heart.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Snapshots of Life

Marianne's mindless Meme's Tag.

These are my crocs. They look rugged and old, but technically i only got them end of last year. They're comfy and very easy to slip on, so far its been thru water, fire (yes, got a lil' burnt) and trekking. i quite like them.
This is not meant to be cliche, but i think i wldn't really know how to live without it. Very privileged for me to get a new one. (i liked my old one alot- it was my mom's thinline bible.) Nikki gave me a smaller one, so i'm starting to get used to this one ;)
i need music! hehe.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Procrastin-X...contains phenalazidine slackahide 200mg

i think i'm experiencing what you would call a constant state of "depression"- whats another word for depression?? despair? hopelessness, misery...
its the kinda feeling when u wake up in the morning and go about your daily chores with this thing at the back of your head called "A THESIS".

anyhow, i've figured the best way to deal with it is to ignore it (for now, until that option runs out of time) or i'll just go mad. my supervisor is calm, as the stagnant water ponds that breed dengue mosquitoes. (that was a lousy expression, but anything goes now). Either that or she's extremely confident that i'll produce a flawless 15,000 word argument without her help (much help that is).

oh bugger off, i need a dosage of Procrastin-X now.