Thursday, November 30, 2006

An Ode to Tiger

You're funny, i know it gets lonely in that tank... but unless u're incorrectly labelled. I'm pretty sure i read 'hermit'. But i also read that u're not literally meant to be alone. In fact, you would like company. I would get u a partner, until i can figure whether u're male or female. It's a confusing discovery, i'll read more websites and den check you out again. I've had you for almost 9 months now... you're quite the pet. Low maintanence, and not very attention seeking. Still, i find you very amusing. Like the other day, when i wanted to change the water in the bowl... you hung around it- almost indicating to me that it was time for fresh water. And that branch that u love to climb up on, sometimes u 'fall' off it- right at the highest point, as if you meant for it to happen. At night u scrouge around, and i hear the gravel moving. I doubt that u've grown much all these months.... but i'm sure you will. I just need to find someone to look after you over summer.... =)

More about hermit crabs here.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

woo hoo

Psalms 121

Heard a song in Jason's car from Wei Jun's ipod.... this verse stood out.

I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
-Psalms 121:1-4

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

make it simple

Life doesn't have to be complicated.
Although sometimes we like that.
We like it to be full of adventure- sometimes doubt and uncertainty creep in w.o us asking them to. Most times when we want peace and quiet.... the chaos rages all around and we find ourselves tossed about in the waves- wavering, wondering, wandering....

The search for simplicity is on... esp in our modern world now. Simple, quick, fast, effective.
simple designs are considered the "in" thing, Zen styles and all that. The world's version of simplicity, seeking to replicate a "peaceful" life... one that is serene and uncluttered.
But is that really what simplicity is? - to look uncluttered?

What does it mean to you? To BE uncluttered?
Take all that clutter- throw it out.
You think u need it, you think it makes up who you are. But it doesn't.
Security, comfort, pleasure, glory.... in Christ alone. Nothing else.


Innocence talks to old people on the commuter train. Sometimes she talks to herself. sometimes she talks to the man sitting next to her hiding behind the newspaper. sometimes she talks to the window and sometimes she sings a little song. She tells secrets in between her words, but most people don't think they're secrets cos she says them right out. She told me that it takes alot of sophistication for her to stay innocent (that was a secret.) Since her affair with Danger, she is not afraid of anything.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

All play and no work...

... makes mishi really really fit....
.... but i do ache now...

(note to self: keep playing so you know how much u'll miss it when you stop)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006


You will not desire something as much until you have it.
Once you have it, you might not treasure it as much until you lose it.

(applicable to objects, relationships etc etc...)

Friday, November 10, 2006

I am not, but He is...

Whenever i am not, He is.

I am not gracious, But He is
I am not kind, But He is
I am not strong, But He is
I am not loving, But He is
I am not patient, But He is
I am not faithful, But He is
I am not steadfast, But He is
I am not humble, But He is
I am not wise, But He is
I am not all-knowing, But He is
I am not Alpha and Omega, But He is

He is the Bread of life, the True Vine, the Good shepherd, the Door, my Foundation stone, living waters, the Word, the light of the world, the great Physician, the Way, the Truth and the One.

You are.... God. Yes You are.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

house hunt

yes... these 2 days have the housemate and i exhilarated and exhausted.
hahah. we hit 5 apartments in 2 days! (not "hit" hit, you get my gist)
But after 4yrs here i've finally gotten to know the area better.
Like i didn't know that we had little crooks and nannys of studio apartments all over the nedlands region. in fact, they are so near to brdway...
This is the advantage we get opposed to the freshmen who come in when houses are in demand.
We're probably in good time for all the people who are vacating houses, to leave us some to pick.

As you can tell, my written english is deteriorating by the day... and my spoken english is probably going down also, because of the lack of human interaction i get( apart from the dvd people on me laptop).

ok dinner now. shoo.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

LOTR (extended)

Ok, i know i've said it ALOT.
but JRR Tolkien is a genius. ( a story-telling genius at least)

Amazing and compelling.
The books are great, but i think Peter Jackson did an admirable job at creating Tolkien's world on film. Anyway, the extended version gives you heaps of scenes which you don't get in the cinemas.
So catch it after the exams... and spend 12 hours munching on popcorn crying with Frodo, drooling over Aragon, wondering why Legolas looks so pretty even in battle, laughing at Gimli, wishing that Gandalf was your grandfather, pitying and cursing Gollum/Smeagol at the same time, pondering on how to speak elvish and where you can go learn it.... etc. i could go on... trust me.

A story of courage, love and hope.

ok back to Gilmore girls now.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Today, i dedicate myself.. to the UWA community and your needs (reasonable ones of course).

$20 for a 15 mins shoulder and neck massage. (jk lah)

book an appointment to come over for dinners
(depending on how much i cook and at whether there's Aussie Idol)

Yes, i can do those late midnight supper cravings if you need
(ice cream, tiramisu and muffins are available for choice)

Nope, you don't need to pay for my company direct- but if you want to you can ask me out for coffee/tea/any other meal (in the guise of catching up) and offer to pay for me.

Besides the time i spend catching up on Prison Break, Gilmore Girls season 3 and other misc stuff.... do drop me an sms or an msn message to inform me/ hint to me that you would like me to take you out for a cuppa.

P.S Exams will be over for you guys in a jiff!! Your one month of torture beats our one year of eternal pain. (with reference honours students' or anyone doing a dissertation)

P/S Please leave your exam dates/ unit names and time of exam in the comments below... and u can count on me to pray for you. and please leave your name with that too. ( i don't want to be praying for abel's economics paper when he doesn't do econs-u get my drift)

C'mon mishi... finish well.

Friday, November 03, 2006


As the exam dawns on me... i can safely say that after one year of typing, i do not know how to write legibly anymore. it has deteriorated into scrawls, or wormy-looking like worms. haha.

i think my handwriting is very PL-like.
haha there's a PL form of handwriting. and i know it when i see it.
For e.g. Faith's handwriting is PL like.... Louise as well.
In fact, i know of non-PL lites who write like PL girls.


ok... back to work.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

A gift

i bought a present for Fernando.
I hope he likes it.
I like it.
Hopefully he does.
It's 'killing' me... i need to know.


ok.... altho the only person who's assuring me is marianne...
that my sense of humour is perfectly normal.... n that i'm funny.... still.

ok, but i'm convinced that the different zones have diff senses of humour! =)
alright... Fernando has made no signs, or left no trail.... so i shall pretend that he doesn't exist.
soooo i have been incredibly unproductive these few days...

EXAM EXAM on sat... ='(
Please pray for meeeee *bijia tone*

Was listening to Delirious on the beach today.. (ok now you know why i was unproductive...)
and this song really stood out... as i closed my eyes and Martin Smith sang...
Our God Reigns.
"For there is only one true God,
But we’ve lost the reins on this world,
Forgive us all, forgive us please,
As we fight for this broken world on our knees."

Very apt. Poignant. made me think.