Saturday, July 15, 2006


Procrastin-X...contains phenalazidine slackahide 200mg

i think i'm experiencing what you would call a constant state of "depression"- whats another word for depression?? despair? hopelessness, misery...
its the kinda feeling when u wake up in the morning and go about your daily chores with this thing at the back of your head called "A THESIS".

anyhow, i've figured the best way to deal with it is to ignore it (for now, until that option runs out of time) or i'll just go mad. my supervisor is calm, as the stagnant water ponds that breed dengue mosquitoes. (that was a lousy expression, but anything goes now). Either that or she's extremely confident that i'll produce a flawless 15,000 word argument without her help (much help that is).

oh bugger off, i need a dosage of Procrastin-X now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahah that was the same drug i used last year!
i was over-dosed.. =P.