Sunday, January 04, 2009

I miss my Baby girl....


Wei Xian said...

But she's not a baby anymore Mish~

Mishi said...

She's always my big baby. Who's this?? please don't leave semi-anonymous IDs.

Wei Xian said...

Oh sorry. It's Wei Xian here. Forgot I removed most of the details from my blogger account.

-Wei Xian

Mishi said...

haha ok! sorry for being fierce... =) thanks WX, you take awesome photos-- altho this one in the post is taken by DX. When you're back you can photograph Mango more!

Wei Xian said...

we'll see Mishi. Something really really bad happened in my family so I dunno when I'll be back, if i'll be back. Need to... get some time to think about things.

Anonymous said...

mango's so cute in this photo. Her head looks bigger than the body. But now her body is definitely bigger than her head.. hehehe