Monday, January 12, 2009


Just sitting here in my room, with the doggie curled up at my feet... (i just bathed her actually, she rolled in something that smelt like fish this morning at the river...ewww. haha... but she's quite tired now after all that 'hey you can't do that' and 'stop it' and 'that's enough!' think she's not really a puppy anymore, more like an emotion-driven teenager... 'i want it and i don't care what you think'/ 'i'm going over there and you can't stop me' attitude)

ok, that was a pretty long bracket.
A close english-teacher-friend of mine would disapprove of that long bracketed sentence.

Talking about friends, I was just mentioning to A that i have very few friends. Den i thought about it and decided, not really... i have friends that really matter to me, friends i've known for eons, and friends who pray for me constantly, i have friends who call me from distant places, friends who go on random KL trips with me, yes... i have friends.

And den, i have family... A family who loves me- brothers who treat me like i'm the youngest anyhow, just cos i'm the shortest. Family who will give me the drumstick at the table, family who will buy me a new luggage because my old one is broken (tsk tsk, it was SQ's and english teacher friend's fault) Family who love to move house... Family whom i love to play Wii with... Family!

I have Jesus.

I have friends, family and Jesus.
(feeling pretty darn grateful now... =)


Anonymous said...

*hugs* ..and friends who think about you all the time... =)

Anonymous said...

hugs! waiting got u to shower b4 dvd-ing. smile...big warm hugs again:)