Monday, May 21, 2007

No place for idols

We usually think of idols in connection with heathenism- idols of pagan faiths. Or maybe in this modern day- making an idol out of a famous singer or actor.
But idols are an expression of a universal tendency- the tendency to put something in the place of God. Anything what becomes a centre of love and attention- a love and attention greater than the love and attention that we give to God- is an idol.

Yes, you can idolise yourself and not even know it.

Idolatry is a substitution- the substitution of the lesser for the greater.
There is nothing more subtle or worse than Christian idolatry- that is, when we don't go as far as to reject God; we simply put something else at the centre and God is then marginalized. There we can only let him influence our lives faintly- and the result is weakness and immaturity.

Divided loyalties?
We cannot serve 2 masters.

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