Friday, September 23, 2005

Was reading Nikki's post on the Balloon Kid.
And yep, like mavis... the song "Angel in Disguise" was playing in my head.

i think of alot of ugly situations in life.
Dishonest people, people who only look out for themselves... people who trample on you when you open up. (yes marianne, that happens)
In fact, i remembered the incident that happened to mari n myself just before sfas started.
We left our Drama team's Maccers meals on the table outside. (and labelled it)
But when we came to get it after our rehearsals, it was gone.

Isn't that life?
Not that we must be pessimistic and always look out for ourselves.
Its just some things remind us that we live in a fallen world.
den we must look beyond what gets us down and makes us sad.
But take a look at the ordinary things that make us smile.
Or lets strive to put a smile on someone's face today!

Don't need to look for paradise!
I'm really touched by that Balloon story.
I'm sure u'll be too.

1 comment:

Mishi said...

hey enjoy ur honeymoon! once in a lifetime! ehhe... will look for u once we're back!