Saturday, April 21, 2007

@ work

Perks of my job

- i can use the internet and surf.
- i can use the computer to do uni work, or plan lessons.
- I can (if i want) use the laser printer to get my notes online.
- i can read a book.
- i can watch youtube with head phones.
- Best of all, i get paid quite abit for not alot of strenous work.

'Musts' of my job

- I have to complete shelving, rearranging of books before i get to the above.
- The books just get heavier and broader.
- I get asked questions to which sometimes i have no answers to.
- I must be detail orientated.
- I must be alert. (apparently in case of fire or emergencies, i wear a red cap- literally)
- I cannot be sensitive to dust. (plenty, esp on wednesdays)


Anonymous said...

I totally agree! heh.

Lumos Maxima said...

WOW! Where do I sign up?