Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Take a Walk

When i opened my eyes at 730am this morning, i was expecting to go back to bed. But God had a different plan. i distinctly heard "Come take a walk with me".
You cannot imagine the amount of excuses i gave him.
"But i slept at 230am God!"
"Drama really tired me out, i have so much to do."
"i have so many readings and a presentation to prepare, i need the sleep"
"i'm sick" (this was really lame, since i really felt better instantly)

Flopping around, i decided... okay, if i don't go now He might not ask me anymore. And that thought was scary. so i got up. Made tea in my Sigg thermal flask, and trodged down to matilda bay. Cloudy day, bit of wind... (i had a scarf, yay).

Sat down.
"Yes?" (waiting...)
"Nothing much my child. just wanted to take a walk with you.
You have no idea how much i love you."

And that was all i heard.
I just broke down at the jetty. Amazed. simply astounded.
Whoever said the creator of the heavens and the earth isn't personal?

See for yourself.

Take a walk. ; )

You have no idea how much He loves you. Wow.


Anonymous said...

Nice. Almost jolting, but so so real. Keep walking with Him. I have to too-Lou

Pauleon said...

wa, just so beautiful. my tears (almost) welled up.