Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Whoever invented the Honours Program meant for ordinary people to undergo gruelling torture.
Anyway, i've had to sit thru 2 seminars so far already- and my american-slanged lecturer thinks he's quite funny. but actually i do laugh, cos he's really such a funny sight. He's tall, has a greying moustache (a lil' sticking out from the bottom lip), big round specs, and his favourite word is "interesting". haha.
My supervisor's Samina... *yay* Altho i think she's too busy to remember to pay me for some research i'm doing for her... but that's fine cos she's always inviting me to dinner at her house in Dalkeith! haha i wonder if Pakistani food has a distinct cuisine to it. like jap food or thai food. hahah. i'll need to find out. ; )

i shan't reveal my possible honours dissertation topics here... but i've got interesting (said in the american way) topics lined up!! hehe. Shall attempt to enjoy the research but loathe the workload. ; )


Anonymous said...

Honours programs in Australia are abit different from those back home. Msia follows the British edusystem where you gain direct entry into Honours year and it's just your normal final year.. some ppl say the Aus edusystem is a mixture of the British and American edusystem..that's why you have to undergo that gruelling torture in that one year to produce a research thesis. heeeheee...but yea you'll enjoy it SOMEHOW... ;P

Mishi said...

thus the long paragraph from an honours student. ;p