Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Today's jon's first day of taking a bus to school in the morning.
I walked him to the bus port- after leaving him thr and running to my car (which i illegally parked) i felt a great sense of uneasiness. As if i'd been irresponsible and to blame if anything happens to him. Dunno, until now... which is only 10 mins after i've come home... my mind keeps running. like what if he's late for school, or what if this, that... argh. going mad.
i guess i realise that independence cannot really be taught, it has to be gained by one's own experience. and for me, attempting to teach it may just end in a futile waste of emotions.
I shall leave him in God's hands and just breathe easy now.... *breathe in, breathe out*


Garry said...

nikki sounded like she had gone thru her motherhood hehe

Anonymous said...

You are a very good sister

- Ray

Mishi said...

nikki?? motherhood? haha. dun make her hit u garry. she feels like that enough. hehe. Thanks Ray...

Ting said...

garry just likes ppl to hit his head.. donk donk!