i guess we all have our rightful observations and things that we all noe about someone that others might not noe. Thus, we place our hurt and pain above the whole picture. In many instances, we wonder why we even bother about the people who hurt us, the fact that we still hold the grudge and we hold that unforgiveness is evident of the control that we allow the particular person to hold in our lives.
I've often been amused by this term "benefit of the doubt". u noe how someone goes and says, "well, just give him/her the benefit of the doubt"- that is to me is making a conscious decision to see/bring out the best in someone. Yes, how on earth do we do that?? I admit myself having gossiped while in anger and bitterness at many people who have trodden on my feelings, maybe done it on purpose or without even noeing it. Now, looking back i have resolved to be slightly more perceptive of what comes out of my mouth. But i also realise that they are probably a million people whom i have done the same thing to. Sometimes vicously and maliciously i noe that i'm out to hurt someone, sometimes i hurt the ones whom i love the most.... and other times we don't even noe when we've dealt a harsh blow. it's cruel and undeserving.
back to this "benefit of the doubt"- i would sum it up in the word grace. Its a fact: Life deals blows. The damage it does to us- it is out of our control. But listen to this- the damage that it does to our perceptions of ourselves is fully within our control. No one can make you feel any less than you consent to it. Why grace? Why live by grace when u can live in a vengeful- an eye for an eye world? Because i believe that our attitude towards life is a 2 way street.
what do i mean by 2 way street? If i constantly have a life stance, which is a set of attitudes, assumptions and expectations that i hold about myself, others and about life itself-- i would believe in the value of reciprosity. People spending a huge- or even a little less time with you would have those same values somehow being rubbed off on them. I guess the High Road is the road les often travelled. Because we are recepients of grace- we show grace as well. This requires us to do things which are not natural or common. e.g (not keeping count of others mistakes, learning to forgive, and learning to serve others)- After all if u wanna be a leader, u've gotta learn how to serve.
The redeeming virtue of being a giver of grace- is when you're right and the other person is wrong... and your natural inclination over that person is to win (to gloat over a moral battle being won), but the giving of grace (allowing that person to have another chance) is what will set u aside to have the greatess victory of all.
In short- Why forgive? because we need to be forgiven as well.
"He was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities" isaiah 53:5
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
came across an interesting site- JK rowling's official website. Have fun! Also another site which i found really captivating about the book Half Blood Prince: which i finished today!! DO NOT CLICK if u haven't finished the book... it contains SPOILERS!
Was reading my old journals (think i have too many collecting dust- but can't bear to throw them away... ) Filled with alot of letters to Jesus, some quite sorrowful, some filled with awe and joy, some just full of complaints and lamentation.
Came across one which i never remembered penning:
Dearest Lord, maker of the heavens and the earth! Lord you are so wonderful, the skies and the seas speak of your awesome power. you alone can make the tides rise and fall. To you the creatures of the earth praise and adore you! with every breath in me- i want to worship you! Lord, grant me strength to trust that you are always in control of everything. If you spin the earth and capture the sun rays perfectly, Lord why can't i trust that you've planned awesome and wonderful things for my life? May you remind me daily that u love me with an everlasting and far-reaching love. Even if sometimes i doubt and i fear that my life is in a tumultous mess... Nothing is impossible for you O God! Lord help me to believe that if you are the same God who parted the Red Sea and dropped Manna from heaven, would you not do greater things even today?? Lord you are so amazing, and your timing is perfect, everything that happens is for you to turn into your mighty, perfect plan! May you Reign lord, among all things- i want to be hungry and desperate for you. Love, miShi 10th June 2004.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Today's jon's first day of taking a bus to school in the morning. I walked him to the bus port- after leaving him thr and running to my car (which i illegally parked) i felt a great sense of uneasiness. As if i'd been irresponsible and to blame if anything happens to him. Dunno, until now... which is only 10 mins after i've come home... my mind keeps running. like what if he's late for school, or what if this, that... argh. going mad. i guess i realise that independence cannot really be taught, it has to be gained by one's own experience. and for me, attempting to teach it may just end in a futile waste of emotions. I shall leave him in God's hands and just breathe easy now.... *breathe in, breathe out*
Monday, July 25, 2005
look at her go again!
hahahah. dunno wad to say...
Natural Look!
me n RAH!
family pic!!
stylo Milo
all smiles!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Learnt a couple of things from John C Maxwell in the meeting on saturday morning. He was giving tips on Travelling thru this life that we live.
1. Travel Light- Priorities Lets not collect too many things and carry emotional baggage. Etc, digging up the past. Use Everyday to initiate or move towards reconciliation, be quick to ask for forgiveness and keep short counts. Don't let the sun go down on ur anger. Priorities keep us focussed, throw off excess baggage which may distract you.
2. Take someone with You- Relationships Don't live your life alone, experience things with people. Be relationship/friendship engaged! What we do together is not as important as simply BEING together. 2 questions: How can i add value to the people around me? What can i learn from them? Lets enable people and not disable them. Lift people up with ur words and actions. Treat everyone as superior and LEARN from them. that will free you up.
3. Follow the roadmap- Game plan Know your purpose and maximise your potential. Sow seeds to benefit others. Begin with the end in mind- make the most of everyday!
4. Take the High Road- Attitude Your life stance is your overall frame of reference: its a set of attitudes, assumptions and expectations that you hold about yourself, others and about life. The high road is a road less travelled- becoming receipients of grace and showing grace to others as well. It requires doing things which are not natural or common. E.g learning to serve, not keeping count and being quick to forgive. Overcoming your natural inclination to win- having victory in knowing that you receive and give grace with ease. Your attitude is a constant conscious decision. Lets walk with grace- God will give us the confidence and the power to forgive.
5. Stop and ask directions
6. Make a U-turn when needed- Change
7. Appreciate the detours- Problems Life is not about knowing it all, its about making the best out of what you have.
8. Take pictures- Memories
9. Go the Extra Mile- Commitment Do more than what is required of u. Take pride in aiming for excellence!
10. Stop to smell the roses- Gratitude Laugh more! relish the moment. A life lived only for tomorrow will only be a day that isn't realised for what it was today. Have an Abundant mentality. Cherish your yesterday, dream your tomorrow, live your today!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Guess who called me last night???
Zi Zi!
Yea, she was at the airport waiting for her delayed flight to HK... So good to hear her voice again... i miss her. ; ( Spoke to her for a longer den possible time b4 rushing to go for the drama rehearsal. Picked Edwin n Roy up.... got strangled at practise. like.. literally. i'm supposed to die lah.
yay ... steamboat tonight for cell! can't wait!
*None compares with You- You have Captured me*
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
tempted to put this babelicious pic of pillow and sach! ; ) all the best in future endeavours!
congrats to beloved friends who've graduated back home!! ; ) so exciting! nice harry potter looking gowns!
Surrender is an act of prayer; and prayer, an act of surrender.
It is hard to pray because it is hard to surrender.
It is hard to surrender to God because we do not pray. He who prays well (not meaning eloquently, but in fact meaning the willingness to submit) surrenders well.
Likewise, he who surrenders well prays well. A soul in true prayer leads to a soul in true surrender. And a soul in true surrender nourishes a soul in true prayer.For a soul to be truly nourished, it must be a soul that is truly surrendered.
Such surrender is the ability to sleep the perfect sleep of faith. It is to be rested in the perfect rest of God.
Even amidst a restless world.
Prayer is the key to a surrendered life.
The discipline of such prayerful surrender nourishes the soul. Make time to pray.
"Built to Last" - Rev. Edmund Chan
Monday, July 18, 2005
been increasingly busy... first day of school was a little overwhelming. Esp the Co-Op book store. Wrong day to get readers and stationery. Yet, i guess in my busyness, i know i'm focussed. i know i'm not doing most of the things that i am now to fill up time. This sem is prolly going to be one of the busiest times, but i know now that a daily agenda will become ur life agenda. Was thinking how many times u wake up to the day and by the end of it u wonder where it went. learnt from one of John C Maxwell sermons that TODAY MATTERS. He mentioned that we either spend today repairing what happened yesterday, or preparing for tomorrow. Either way, we do not live TODAY to its fullest.
Sometimes i equate my negativity to the fact that i'm a realistic person. i see things that cannot be done, and i stop there. dats it. i'm off to the next do-able thing. i guess it's a pride thing, i can't stand moving into the unknown, something uncertain- something i'm not sure of. Mom just emailed me "The peace of the lord will sustain me". She said, if we continue to become frustrated, we are not really trusting Him. Let our trust not be merely a gesture or a courtesy gift to God. May it be that reckless abandonment and total dependence.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, Whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; Its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought And never fails to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Was just thinking.... in this 21st century, women do most things for themselves. But i was thinking of this prince charming on a white horse theory. and i believe it still holds for most of us. Every girl dreams of being saved, being looked after... being cherished n loved. I think i was like that when i was very young, i often day dreamed about being saved. And to a small extent, it still comes back to me often... sometimes when life gets too much to bear, or when u noe u can't do it all... u want to be saved. u want to be whisked away to a better place, u want someone to do the saving. u don't want to have to be the strong one anymore.
i realise that many times when i throw up my hands in despair, and when i just sigh in frustration... that is when i noe i have no more capacity to go on, that is when the real saviour can do the saving. Aren't u sick of saving urself? Let Him do the saving.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
haha.... actually. i got nothing to say.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
look at me! i sleep 20 hours and eat the rest of the time!! haha