Friday, March 23, 2007

Rethinking Colour

... and what it means in our society today.

The Yews have a great post on how in 1968, a teacher in Iowa taught her 3rd graders about discrimination- i like a particular quote she used "Keep me from ever judging a man until i walk in his mocassins (shoes)".

The videos are impacting and raw- i highly recommend you to watch them here.
What really touched me was the lengths to which the teacher was willing to go, in order to instill in her 3rd graders the real meaning of discrimination and how others felt being treated as lesser based on their colour.


Anonymous said...

ooh! it reminds me of what Atticus said in To Kill A Mockingbird...
"...step into his shoes...until you walk around in it..." I can't remember the exact quote, but I think you know which one!

serene said...

hi michelle,
thanks for linking this :) i really think more people should watch it. also, what struck me more than the extent to which the teacher was willing to go, is the ways in which the children responded to the "task" and how they reflected about it later. listen to the language they use- it's more powerful than anything any adult can say. and when that boy wanted to chew up the collar, i thought my tear ducts were going to explode...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. =)
But it's kindda sad that things haven't changed all that much. I wonder what we could do in our classrooms.

Mishi said...

I think we can do a whole lot more, than we think we can. the education system is steeped in cultural bias, but as teachers we are then able to question that and tear off the veil. =) There is much hope!