No Mandurah trip, and no Bobs Hollow for us. haha... so all these are supposedly postponed til next year. ; ) I really wanna go Bobs hollow- check out the routes. Everyone was knackered before we decided not to go to Mandurah. It's a good thing Amazing 6race winners are our khakis. haha why??? COS WE'RE GOING TO OYSTER BAR WITH THEM!
in a way its Gabe's household's farewell dinner and Mari's bday dinner!
Was playing Cluedo with the girls last night, and the new series Veronica Mars is very intriguing. Go check that girl out. - no not Paris Hilton's acting. no idea why she's there. Publicity maybe. haha.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
blackforrest cake. baked by Janice!
happy bday marianne!!!
Monday, November 21, 2005
This is meaningful- got it off jon's and Hoboz blog.
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. I promise not to burn your house down, either way keke..When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Things i meant, but never said
Once said, I feared
Not understood
Strange but true
I do love you.
Just felt like writing.
Inspired by my bro's nick on msn, (the first line).
Hope it means smthg to readers. ; )
Pizza, dvds and "the beverage" was great guys n girls.
lets hang out soon again. ; )
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Rejections are like speed bumps on the road. They come with the journey. You cannot keep people from rejecting you. But you can keep rejections from enraging you.
How? By letting his acceptance compensate for their rejection.
Think of it this way. Suppose you dwell in a high-rise apartment. On the window sill of your room is a solitary daisy. This morning you picked the daisy and pinned it on your lapel. Since you have only one plant, this is a big event and a special daisy.
But as soon as you’re out the door, people start picking petals off your daisy. Someone snags your subway seat. Petal picked. You’re blamed for the bad report of a coworker. Three petals. The promotion is given to someone less experience but with USC water polo looks. More petals.
By the end of the day, you’re down to one. Woe be to the soul who dares to draw near it. You’re only one petal-snatching away from a blowup.
What if the scenario was altered slightly? Let’s add one character. The kind man in the apartment next door runs a flower shop on the corner. Every night on the way home he stops at your place with a fresh, undeserved, yet irresistible bouquet.
These are not leftover flowers. They are top-of-the-line arrangements. You don’t know why he thinks so highly of you, but you aren’t complaining. Because of him, your apartment has a sweet fragrance, and your step has a happy bounce. Let someone mess with your flower, and you’ve got a basketful to replace it!
The difference is huge. And the interpretation is obvious. God will load your world with flowers. He hand-delivers a bouquet toyour door every day. Open it! Take them! Then, when rejections come,you won’t be left short-petaled. God can help you get rid of your anger. Take the flowers. Receive from him so you can love or at least put up with others.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Its the second week of november already!!! how fast.
and yes, this tuesday's the highest predicted temperature of 32 degrees. (or was it 35?) anyway, the weather's gonna go mad. We were at the beach the whole of yesterday afternoon, it was really windy. Eating fish n chips and downing gelatos ice cream.
*for those of u still having exams, i promise you- plus chop pls guarantee that we were thinking of you whilst all these things were happening.
*Please finish faster so u can join us.
I'm dreaming of christmas already! haha. its the holiday i look forward to every year. ;p
Friday, November 11, 2005
The decision not to do joint honours came quite subtly the other day when i sat in the politics office discussing the unit points needed for next year. She was showing me the double 12 points for dissertation, and double 12 again for seminars. I have to admit, its abit overwhelming and to me very disconcerting, that i only have a year to finish up what might seem to take 2-3 years to do. So there goes my option of doing the joint honours. HAHA.
I could do with less stress, more health and thus more energy to do other things.
Coming to the end of my graduate life has made clear 2 things: -You have only achieved what u have been willing to learn, nothing more, nothing less. -Degrees don't make you smarter den you already are, the certificate just makes u feel better nonetheless.
Monday, November 07, 2005
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me back my favourite aussie idol of 2005!!!!!!!!!! i officially boycott the show! *sigh*
Cookie Batter
i'm baking cookies.
and the batter tastes nice.
maybe i shld just eat the batter and forget about baking.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
The only thing neccesary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
BE READY - - -by Max Lucado (just wanted to reiterate my last post)
“No one knows when that day or time will be, not the angels in heaven, not even the Son. Only the Father knows.”- Matthew 24:36
-His message is unmistakable: He will return, but no one knows when. So, be ready.
I was reminded of this not long ago when I boarded a plane. I walked down the aisle, found my seat, and sat down next to a strange sight. The man seated next to me was in a robe and slippers. He was dressed for the living room, not for a journey. His seat was odd, too. Whereas my seat was the cloth type you normally see, his was fine leather.
“Imported,” he said, when he noticed I was looking. “Bought it in Argentina and put it on myself.” That was only the beginning. His fold-down table was of mahogany. There was a portable TV installed next to the window. A tiny ceiling fan and globed light hung above us. I had never seen anything like it.
My question was the obvious one, “Why did you spend so much time and expense on an airline seat?”“I live here,” he explained. “I make my home on the plane.”Incredible. The man made a home out of a mode of transportation. He made a residence out of a journey. Hard to believe? You think I’m stretching the truth?
Well, maybe I haven’t seen such foolishness in a plane, but I have in life. And so have you. You’ve seen people treat this world like it was a permanent home. It’s not.
You’ve seen people pour time and energy into life like it will last forever. It won’t. You’ve seen people so proud of what they have done, that they hope they will never have to leave—they will.
We all will. We are in transit. Someday the plane will stop and the deboarding will begin. Wise are those who are ready when the pilot says to get off.
I don’t know much, but I do know how to travel. Carry little. Eat light. Take a nap. And get off when you reach the city.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Strange bird
i had the weirdest experience in morning driving history ever. i'm coming back from the city after dropping my brother... and so i'm going to stop at the traffic light in front of the barrack st jetty tower thing- Red traffic light. As i'm slowing down, (very slow) these 2 birds- Sparrows? really small birds fly really low, the first one swoops over and misses my car by inches. and the second one lands with a light thud, on the smallish gap below my windshield wipers. (if u look at my car, u'll see that small gap).
Well, the second bird was sitting there very nicely... but i didn't see it cos i needed to lean over quite abit. So i thought it wasn't there... for a second i thought i hit it and it rolled onto the floor or smthg.... in my head i was like...???! very puzzled. why on earth wld the bird purposely fly in front of my car?? plus i was going really slowly, so i cldn't have hit it hard enough to kill it.
Anyway, a couple of seconds later, b4 the light turns green... the bird sits up and i see its head. wahhh, i was so relieved it didn't die or smthg, den again the thud was so light it was impossible for it to die. so, it looked up- ruffled its feathers and when i moved the car at the lights, it flew off. sigh..... gave me a heart attack to the max.
i thought i killed a bird on the 1st of november.
verse of the day: "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matt 6:26